Announcement: After a couple months of hesitation and talking to various people, I have come to a conclusion. People have asked me countless times how they can support the Spook Project. I tell them I won’t take monetary donations but I will take your time as a volunteer. At the moment the team consists of myself and 4 others. We all have poured days and days into the project. I wanted to provide a way for you all to support us while also receiving something tangible in the process. I’m not going to launch a Kofi or Patreon as that seems like a silly way to grab cash unnecessarily. Instead I have worked with other OSINT accounts such as @IntelCrab, @Osinttechnical, @OAlexanderDK and @The_IntelHub to create silly designs and create a full on clothing line. Here is the link if you’re interested in supporting the project and get some really hilarious pieces: Thank you all!!! -spook